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Review of "Child of Storm (Zulu Trilogy, 2)" by Henry Rider Haggard

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Child of Storm (Zulu Trilogy, 2)
by Henry Rider Haggard

Tantor Media

$42.00 Suggested Retail Price

In "CHILD OF STORM" we find a sequel to the Quatermaine tale "Marie." Alan has made a Zulu friend, Saduko, and helps him in a battle to win 100 cattle for Saduko's about-to-be-wife. Her name is Mameena and she is known as the "Child of Storm." Instead of helping Alan finds himself being seduced by Mameena and lured into marriage with her. The whole problem causes a civil war.

Originally published in 1913 and 1912, these tales are still filled with mystical and mysterious adventures. Rider always starts out slowly, but with persistence his stories have always fascinated me. I was delighted to find these excellent audiobooks from Tantor.

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our November, 2002 issue.

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Marie (Zulu)
by Henry Rider Haggard, Shelly Frasier
Tantor Media
ISBN: 1-4001-0023-2

You are in for a real treat. H.Rider Haggard gave us some terrific books with stories of African adventure and mystery…[more]

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