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Review of "The Syndrome : A Thriller" by John Case

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The Syndrome : A Thriller
by John Case

Ballantine Books

$25.95 Suggested Retail Price

This is a thriller that will carry the reader happily along to the ending. Not classically literate, but every page fills you with a will to follow the hero through his "Indiana Jones"-like adventures.

Danny Cray is a sculptor and a video artist who lives in Washington D.C. Once in a while, he does some research work for a large firm of private detectives. A very well-known and wealthy lawyer asks Danny to take on a job for him. The money is too good to turn down. The client is a billionaire who is the target of a vicious campaign by the Italian press that threatens to ruin his reputation. The attorney wants Danny to find out who is responsible. What with digging around and spending a lot of time and money on the search, Danny finds himself traveling first class on trips to Italy and other countries until he stumbles upon the trail of a professor who was in touch with the Vatican regarding a remote tribe of Kurds and their strange religion. Danny finds the tribe and a potfull of trouble as he travels into an ancient land where this tribe lives.

There isn't a page that you will want to tear your eyes from until you reach the end of this mystery. Lots of evil characters and some virtuous ones run very fast through these pages, adding to the charm of this persistent artist who does finally wake up to save himself - just in the nick of time, of course.

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our February, 2003 issue.

See our reviews of other works by John Case that you might enjoy:

The Syndrome
by John Case
Ballantine Books
ISBN: 0-345-43308-4

It's rumored that the U.S. Government was doing some secret experiments in mind control…[more]

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