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Review of "The Cat Who Smelled a Rat" by Lilian Jackson Braun

The Cat Who Smelled a Rat image
The Cat Who Smelled a Rat
by Lilian Jackson Braun

Putnam Adult

$23.95 Suggested Retail Price

Lillian Jackson Braun is an author who never fails her readers. Once again, she takes us to the odd little town of Pickax which is located in Moose County. The citizens are preparing for the first big snowstorm of winter. This includes Qwilleran, who is better known to us readers as Qwill. Quill is the owner of the delightful Siamese cats that are an important part of every story in this series. There are fires to investigate and the cat's antics to try to understand, because they always lead Qwill to solve the mystery. This time, there is a rat that is behind all of the bizarre catastrophes that are occurring.

While I always enjoy these stories, this is a bit better read than the last few Cat Who's. The cats are more fun this time, but Qwill's relationship with his girlfriend Polly has gotten stale. The other annoyance is that Qwill has nothing better to do than wander around town buying presents for Polly and things to put in his home, and catching up on gossip. After all, he inherited a lot of money. He also writes a column in the local paper, so he interviews anyone he sees as unique or might add to his collection of local tales.

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our May, 2001 issue.

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