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Review of "The Nightingale" by Hans Christian Andersen, Bagram Ibatoulline, Stephen Mitchel

The Nightingale image
The Nightingale
by Hans Christian Andersen, Bagram Ibatoulline, Stephen Mitchel


$17.99 Suggested Retail Price

This is a beautiful rendition of a classic Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale. This type of children's book can become a family treasure. The children will always remember the story being read to them when they were very young. The illustrations are especially memorable.

The story tells us about an emperor of China who lives in great splendor. The loveliest thing in his entire realm is the song of the nightingale that lives in a forest by the sea. When the Emperor heard about the bird, he demands that this treasure be brought to him. He is shortly given a gift of a mechanical nightingale that is covered with jewels. Then the mighty Emperor learns the lesson about simplicity being precious.

Russian born and trained artist Ibatoulline has filled this classic children's fairy tale with rich illustrations that are beautiful enough to frame.

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our November, 2002 issue.

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