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Review of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll, Helen Oxenbury

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland image
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
by Lewis Carroll, Helen Oxenbury


$12.99 Suggested Retail Price

Some other reviewers of this edition of this beautiful book called it a "masterpiece." It is recommended for children about eight years old and up. Nonsense! I am still a great fan of Lewis Carroll's wonderfully humorous tale about Alice and the strange characters that she finds in Wonderland. My favorite form of this story has always been the original illustrations from the early 1900's and Walt Disney's animated feature film. Now I can add this beautifully illustrated story of Alice's fall into a rabbit hole. Alice is a more realistic figure for today's children in these pictures. The pastel color illustrations of Alice's adventure are each a beautiful expression of the story that is beloved by so many. From Dodo birds to the Queen of Hearts, I was delighted with the tale again and the lovely new illustrations.

Yes, there are a few changes, but all are down with taste and care. There are more illustrations in this edition than ever before. All in all, you can give this one to any child you love.

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our June, 2003 issue.

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