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Review of "1000 Years of Famous People" by Clive Gifford

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1000 Years of Famous People
by Clive Gifford


$24.95 Suggested Retail Price

Here is a book to page through over and over again. Inside are the stories of 1000 people that are or used to be famous. Some of them are infamous. People are listed in sections that cover sports, world leaders, writers and scientists. In all, there are ten chapters. Just paging through the chapter titles like "World Leaders" you will find a short biography of people like Ivan the Terrible (1530-1584) and Catherine the Great (1729-1796).

The famous names are separated by subjects like "Military Leaders" or "Kings and Queens." All the subjects are listed chronologically. There is a very brief history of each entrant along with a picture of the person and sometimes the places that are add to your knowledge. "Artists," "Musicians," "Dancers" and "Architects" are separate sections to look through. "Movie Stars," "Famous names in sports," "Scientists" are just a few of the categories. This is a splendid book.

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our July, 2003 issue.

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