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Review of "Years of Minutes" by Andrew A. Rooney

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Years of Minutes
by Andrew A. Rooney


$26.00 Suggested Retail Price

Here is a collection of those final thoughts that entertain us in the closing minutes of the TV show "60 Minutes." Andy regales us with his thoughts for the week. For twenty-five years the public has agreed, or not, with these comments from Andy that are uniquely his own. As you read this collection, you cannot help but hear the unique voice and tone of this man who sometimes seems to know exactly what is bothering us all. He might be talking for us. For me.

Occasionally he includes an interview that he did, like the one with Dr. Kevorkian. Better known as Dr. Death, the interview is quite eye-opening. Rooney never spared feelings to get an honest interview that might enlighten his listeners.

These commentaries from Andy Roonie make for a good read. Every word in the book brings the sound of his gravely voice inside your head, and that adds to the fun of reading the years' worth of remarks he made that hit the subjects with directness and honest opinions.

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our November, 2003 issue.

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