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Review of "The Chase" by Clive Cussler

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The Chase
by Clive Cussler

Penguin Audio
Audio CD
$29.95 Suggested Retail Price

The legendary Clive Cussler gives us an amazing historical thriller here in "The Chase". In the early 1900s, the western US was terrorized by a string of bank robberies committed by a man dubbed "The Butcher Bandit" because he killed all of the witnesses. The government assigns their best detectivem Isaac Bell. Bell chases his quarry through five states and even the great San Francisco earthquake with only limited success. He knows he's making the Bandit nervous because the Bandit has started to chase Bell. With the backdrop of history combined with the kinds of characters that Cussler creates so deftly that you almost don't notice it until the last page, "The Chase" is a real thrill ride through a fantasy version of the early 20th Century.

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our November, 2007 issue.

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