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Review of "My Dog, My Cat, My Mama, and Me!" by Nigel Gray

My Dog, My Cat, My Mama, and Me! image
My Dog, My Cat, My Mama, and Me!
by Nigel Gray

$8.99 Suggested Retail Price

Here's a cute little book that gently introduces the idea of having babies. The little girl first notices that her dog is getting fatter and fatter until SURPRISE! O ne day she sees that the dog has had a litter of puppies. Then she notices that her cat is getting fatter and fatter until one day she sees that she's had a litter of kitties. Finally, one day she notices that her mommy is getting fatter and fatter until one day she brings home a new baby. The book keeps the young reader in suspense until each big event by hiding the picture of the newborns until a flap that you lift up to expose them.

If you need to try to explain the idea of pregnancy to your toddler, ages 2-4, you'll find a helping hand in this great chidlren's book.

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our January, 2008 issue.

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