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Review of "O'Brien's Collecting Toys: Identification and Value Guide, 11th Edition" by Krause Publications

O'Brien's Collecting Toys: Identification and Value Guide, 11th Edition image
O'Brien's Collecting Toys: Identification and Value Guide, 11th Edition
by Krause Publications

Krause Publications
$29.99 Suggested Retail Price

We dyed-in-the-wool collectors are struggling trying to keep up with the times. So are the flea markets and collectible shows that used to be on the regular schedule of any avid scrounger. The same goes for sellers, most of whom just over-collected at sometime and needed to thin the herd, so to speak. The Internet has created a whole new and profitable life for sellers and collectors.

For example, we attended a collectibles show recently. We used to have a table at this show ourselves to sell our Disney collectibles. This charming and comfortable old exhibition used to occupy exhausting hours of fun hunting. It's has shrunk dramatically in the last 5 years and that's a real loss. The Internet and eBay have really damaged the collectibles trade shows.

Shopping for collectibles by computer brings on a whole new set of problems, of course. How can you tell if the item is really what is described? Is the value overrated? Let me tell you that it is a lot easier to check out this very large reference than to try to hunt for reliable information about collectibles online.

There is a ton of important information here, including some advice and a section that will teach you how to use this great book. You can't go wrong. Every subject is listed alphabetically. Then there are abbreviations and clues to look for. A word about judging the condition of the item and some suggested prices make this work priceless.

I still love the excursion and touching of a live show. I like knowing the dealers, and I still will go to the shows for these reasons. With the book at my side I spend a lot of time online investigating my own favorite collectible character: "Minnie Mouse."

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our May, 2004 issue.

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