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Review of "The Big Moo: Stop Trying to Be Perfect And Start Being Remarkabl" by the Group of 33, Seth Godin

The Big Moo: Stop Trying to Be Perfect And Start Being Remarkabl image
The Big Moo: Stop Trying to Be Perfect And Start Being Remarkabl
by the Group of 33, Seth Godin

Tantor Media
$24.99 Suggested Retail Price

This is a collection of opinions regarding the growth of business and the value of that growth. As they talk with us we learn that there are good things to be gained from in any growth but also that change means risk. There is the possibility of death. Most companies keep on trying to be better at doing their business.

And improvement is constant. The author imagines a world full of brown cows that represent all of the businesses. There is one purple cow and that business will attract the attention of the business world. You know what building a better something means to the sales. So here are 32 of the most famous business people in the world giving you advice on how to be that purple cow.

It’s fascinating to listen to these successful business people. It is also fun as well as inspiring. Anyone in business will learn from these mentors and perhaps join them. The book made the Bestsellers List of The Wall Street Journal.

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our May, 2006 issue.

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