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Review of "The New Encyclopedia of American Scandal" by George C. Kohn

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The New Encyclopedia of American Scandal
by George C. Kohn

Facts on File

$71.50 Suggested Retail Price

Americans love a juicy scandal, and there are lots of them here. Page after page reveals the seemiest tales in American history. Listings include the most recent tales about Heidi and O.J. Simpson. Historic information includes the tale of the Governor of New York who was a transvestite and in 1907 opened the New York Assembly dressed as Queen Anne.

William Desmond Taylor and his scandalous Hollywood death is listed with information you must have if this is your interest. So from Lizzie Borden to a Soapbox Derby scandal, it's all here. It actually makes for interesting reading.

Rainbo Electronic Reviews published this review in our March, 2001 issue.

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